February 2 ~ Photo A Day #33

Brotherly love…Colt is 8 years old this year (my gosh, where has the time gone!), and his half-brother Pierce (same sire) is now considered a yearling.

Brotherly Love

As you can see, they’ve been wallering around in the mud and lovin’ every minute of it! There’s still a sheet of ice in the pastures, so they’ve been passing time by playing in the round pen in the afternoons.

They and I will be glad when the ice is gone, and we can get back to normal.

3 thoughts on “February 2 ~ Photo A Day #33

    • Hi Ingrid, thanks for visiting and your kind comments. No, Pierce didn’t hurt his eye even though it kinda looks like it! He was face playing with Colt and just happened to roll his eye into that position. Have a wonderful week~

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